For Beginners is the documentary, graphic nonfiction book series. Every book in the series serves one purpose: to present to the reader in a straightforward, accessible manner the works of great thinkers and subjects alike. With subjects ranging from philosophy, to politics, to art and beyond, the For Beginners series covers a range of familiar concepts in a humorous comic book-style, and takes a readily comprehensible approach that’s respective of the intelligence of its audience. This series is for those who want to know more about a subject, but don’t want to get bogged down in dry facts. Each book is painstakingly researched, written and illustrated in a style that best suits the subject.
Art For Beginners

The Body For Beginners

Bukowski for Beginners

Che For Beginners

Chomsky For Beginners

Derrida For Beginners

English Language For Beginners

Fanon For Beginners

Food for Beginners

800 million people live under the constant threat of famine. Most are food producing peasants in the Third World. The baffling question is: why are so many food producers, rather than we, their consumer, the first to go hungry?
Susan George takes a cold, clear look at the facts and myths of food production, and provides answers. She consider its history, from its origin 10,000 years ago to the Global Supermarket of today. Cliches and half-truths about over-population, climate and inefficient farming, usually given as the reason for Third World hunger, are discarded. She expose the ruthless game of multinational agri-business, the methods of new Malthusianism and neo-colonialism. She unmasks pious aid programmes and reveals the basis of further exploitaiton.
FOOD FOR BEGINNERS is a disturbing book: the facts are grim, the picture bleak. But the wit, sheer logic and force of this documentary comicbook, point beyond despair to justice.
Foucault For Beginners

Freud For Beginners

Garcia Lorca for Beginners

The books in this series deal with a vast and diverse range of subjects—history, philosophy, current events, visual arts, music, literature, culture studies and science. For Beginners offers inquisitive readers intelligent, accessible introductions to the major thinkers and ideas of our time. These complex subjects are presented with clarity and simplicity. The books are reader-friendly: comic strips, photographs, cartoons, illustrations etc. are used creatively, to both convey information and to comment on the subjects.
Garcia Marquez for Beginners

Garcia Marquez for Beginners introduces readers to the man and his ‘magical realism’ a style that expresses Latin American life and culture in many different layers of human perception.
Gestalt for Beginners

Heidegger for Beginners

The History of Cinema For Beginners

Islam For Beginners

Jung For Beginners

Put it this way: Some people are so good that all we can do is look up to them. He was a great man who made great mistakes. The two most (in) famous events in Jung's life were his break with Freud and his sojourn with the Nazis. Most books on Jung minimize his Nazi period. Author and psychologist Jon Plantania, finds nazism too hideous to minimize, so he tells this part of the story without pulling any punches
Platania then takes us on a tour to the work that made Jung one fo the Pillars of modern psychology. And what a body of work it is! Jung's open-mindedness was astonishing Wherever he went - Calcutta, Egypt, Palestine, Kenya - Jung learned something that expanded his views. His open-ended psychology incorporated yoga, meditation, prayer, alchemy, mythology, astrology, numerology, the I ching - even flying saucers! he taught us that psychology and religion can not only coexist peacefully together, but that thet can enhance us, inspire us, and help us complete ourselves.
Kierkegaard for Beginners

Philosophically, Kierkegaard was the "bridge" that led from Hegel to Existentialism. Kierkegaard abhorred Hegel's abstract, know-it-all idealism that tried to capture reality in a few words. Kierkegaard's attack on social and religious complacency and his single-handed assault on traditional Western philosophy generated a crisis that produced a redically new way of philosophizing and made him the founder of the school that would later be called Existentialism. To Kiergegaard, reality was personal, subjective-it began and ended with the individual-and philosophy was not something one merely talked about, it was the way you lived.
For such a brilliant thinker, the way Kierkegaard lived was...somewhat too interesting? His "abstract" love affair? His obsesssion with death? His "leap of Faith", his cynicism, his marvellous sense of humour-how do you put all that into one man?
Lacan For Beginners

Mao For Beginners

Marilyn for Beginners

Martial Arts For Beginners

Nietzsche for Beginners

Philosophy For Beginners

The ABCs of philosophy-easy to understand but never simplistic.
Beginning with basic questions posed by the ancient Greeks: What is the world made of? What is man? What is knowledge? What is good and evil? this guide traces the development of these questions as the key to understanding how Western philosophy developed over the last 2,500 years.
Plato For Beginners

Postmodernism For Beginners

Saussure For Beginners

Shakespeare For Beginners

Author Brandon Toropov opens with the observation that Shakespeare’s genius is not in his (or England’s) history, it’s in his words, most notably, his plays–in his brilliant stories, unforgettable characters, and the impossible beauty of his language. So Shakespeare For Beginners skips the historical foreplay and goes straight to Shakespeare’s plays. The book offers clear, concise descriptions and plot summaries of each play; it lists key phrases and important themes, explains the main ideas behind each work and features excerpt of important passages (with explanatory notes on tough words.) And it is the only ‘entry level’ book available outside Great Britain that covers all of Shakespeare’s plays.
Zen For Beginners

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